As if a pandemic weren’t enough, now we have to contend with losing time.
I might be pounding my head against the wall as I type this.
We Are Losing Time
This is a scientific, proven fact, my friends (not pounding my head against the wall, the losing time part). It is not some half-baked theory spouted by a random philosopher looking for his five minutes of fame. It is fact.
How are we losing time, you ask? Let me enlighten you…
Now, many of you may already know this tidbit of fact due to the news. It took me a few days to catch up. Why? Because I don’t look at the news.
If you are like my husband (certified news junkie), that might be enough to send you into cardiac arrest. But to be truthful, I find most of the news depressing, even more so because—with all of the “fake news” out there—it’s hard to know what is actually true and what has been made up. So, I don’t engage.
On a typical day, my husband comes home from work and says, “Did you hear about…?” and I respond, “No, but tell me about it.” I get just enough news to stay up to date on world events without all of the drama and with the knowledge that it’s truthful (my husband is also a certified, obsessive fact-checker).
So when my friend asked if I had heard about how we are losing time, my response was…you guessed it. “No, but tell me about it.”
Okay, full disclosure—the conversation went something like this:
“Do you have the News app on your phone?”
“Well, if I do, it’s only because my phone syncs with my husband’s and he has it on there.”
(Insert eye roll) “Open your phone.”
“Oh, look! I have it!”
(Another eye roll) “Open the app.”
“Why does mine look different than yours?”
“Because I actually use mine!”
Yeah. Like I said, not a news follower.
Living Life
Back to losing time.
Apparently, (according to this handy News app) the earth is spinning on its axis faster than it has in the previous fifty years. This results in our days being on average .5 seconds shorter than a full 24 hours. That sat me back in my chair to think for a while.
I know it doesn’t sound like much, a half second lost each day. It’s one of those things typically shrugged off and forgotten by the time the next news cycle hits social media. Yet, in light of the past year and all the world has been through…maybe we should take note. Adjust our thinking. Our lives.
There has always been that saying about living life as if there is no tomorrow, but that is easily discarded and forgotten as well in the hustle and bustle of life. However, now it is proven that we are, in fact, losing time each day. Only half a second, but for me that was enough to propel me into a different mindset.
As I evaluate my life and think about the things I would like to accomplish, I realize I am not okay with losing that half second each day. There is no time like the present. Procrastination is not an option (procrastinating happens to be one of my superpowers). I will live life as if there is no tomorrow, live life to the fullest, and all those other inspirational quotes you see plastered over social media and on kitten posters in the dentist’s office.
Join me, won’t you?
What is it that you have always wanted to do but continually put off until “tomorrow?”
Is there a relationship in your life that needs to be mended before that chance no longer exists?
Are there dreams you haven’t reached for because you have concluded there is time to reach for them “tomorrow?”
Let me know in the “Comments” section below.
In the meantime, let’s take today and live.